Wednesday, 1 August 2012 LLC. Offers Urinary Catheters For Managing Incontinence LLC has been offering urinary catheters for managing incontinence for people with bladder challenges. has been offering urinary catheters for managing incontinence for people with bladder challenges. Maintaining good proper hygiene can be a challenge for individuals with disabilities. Some apparent conditions that often effect bladder control include spinal cord injury, spina bifida, and multiple sclerosis.  Urinary Tract Infections or UTI's are sometimes the result of catheterization. Medicare now allows up to 200 catheters per month thus reducing the risk of developing a UTI from using a non-sterile or previously used catheter.

Hygiene is an important part of maintaining good health. For those who self cath, making sure they have the right tools, and are well educated about self catheterization can make all the difference in the world.  For more information on catheters, portable toilets, emergency first aid kits, camping toilets, alarms for bedwetting, please visit its website: 

1 comment:

  1. My little brother has physical challenges which force him to have to use self catheters. I am always on the lookout for self catheter supplies that he can use and stay up to date with. I can tell that he doesn't like using catheters but maybe in the future he won't have to use them anymore.
